Sunday, August 12, 2012

$1,000 Baby!

Good afternoon!

I'm here in the kitchen once again making cookies and I wanted to take a few minutes to update everyone as I take cookies out and place more in the oven.  Over the last week I have become quite the efficient little :) I've got 9 minutes and counting so I'll try to make it quick.

I have very few words to express how I feel at the moment. I can simply say that we are so very grateful for all the love and support we have received since we began this new chapter of our lives only 2 short weeks ago.

We have been blessed beyond belief by the success of our first fundraising event. Thus far we have received a GRAND TOTAL of $932.00 in cookie sale orders! Yes, I said $932.00!!! We are only 13 dozen orders away from $1,000!

We definitely owe a huge THANK-YOU to all of our friends and family! We could not have met this goal without your help!

My mom especially deserves credit for all of her help baking cookies. She spent several late nights and early mornings baking away, delivering cookies, shopping for supplies and did it all without a complaint and with a smile.

My parents also graciously offered to donate all of the cookie baking ingredients for any future bake sales and provided the majority of supplies used this last week as well.

Thanks to my sweet uncle Mike who donated dozens upon dozens of eggs to help with our baking needs and offered to supply anymore that may be needed in the future!

Also, just this week we un-expectantly received an donation of $100 to put towards our IVF Fund. It is hard to fathom the out pouring of love we have received on our behalf. We will forever be grateful and only hope that one day we will be able to pay it forward. Much love for you and your family!

One last big THANK-YOU to a dear sweet friend who has been through many of the same struggles as Mike and myself. We appreciate the support and encouragement you have provided over the last few years.  I definitely let my emotions fly when I opened up our mail and saw that check for $100! We are sending much love and baby dust your way!

Well, the oven is now beeping and cutting me short on my awards speech. Stay tuned as we still have many more fundraisers in the works and updates to follow.

Amy :)

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