Saturday, November 24, 2012

Season With the Best Odds for IVF

Thursday, November 1, 2012

A little Infertility Humor...

I love Pinterest ...its one of those sites I forbid myself from visiting too frequently because I'll waste hours upon hours of my life browsing through pages, staring at the computer and laughing at pictures like these below. I couldn't resist the urge tonight so thought I'd post a few on here.  Hope you find some humor in them also....

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We're infertile!


What Makes a Baby

While browsing the never ending internet for infertility related blogs, articles, forums, etc. (a common occurrence at our house) I ran across a wonderful website,, featuring a wide variety of children's books as they relate to the various methods of conception and parenthood.

The traditional Father + Mother = Love = Baby Boy + Baby Girl type family is becoming less common as the future norm will be filled with IVF babies, sperm donor babies, egg donor babies, donor embryo babies  that are conceived in labs in petri dishes carried via surrogacy or through gestational carriers and raised by adoptive parents, infertile parents, gay parents, lesbian parents, single mothers, single fathers and co-parents.

I am very excited to have stumbled upon this site and thought it would make a great post to share with my friends and family. Others out there struggling with infertility or living in a non-traditional family know all the "baggage" that comes along with it...just one more added difficulty of something as simple as explaining where our (fingers crossed soon to be IVF) baby came from.

I've listed just a few of the books I found interesting based on the summary provided by the website or short video clips provided by the authors. I'll definitely want to buy a few of these...regardless of how we end up with our baby at the end of this journey.