Monday, July 30, 2012

To Blog or Not to Blog

This blog is definitely a work in process. It is proving quite difficult as I am an amateur to say the least when it comes to writing or rather blogging.

I have so much more work I would like to complete on this blog before just putting it out there. I know its already out there so to speak, but its so much different telling our story of infertility to the world versus sharing with those I know.

I've gone back and forth, said yes and no, do it and don't, blah blah blah a million times. Even as I type I'm second guessing myself, but as personal as this is I want to put it out there. So here it goes.....

Please bear with me and I will try to update as much as possible and provide a better more detailed background to those who may be interested in our story.

Commence "Operation Baby Maker"

I would first like to give a BIG shout out to my wonderfully supportive, understanding, and ever so helpful friend, Candice, who decided that we must have a fun and catchy name for our fundraising efforts...thus Operation Baby Maker was born!

Our first fundraising effort will involve the special baking skills of yours truly. Luckily, baking is one of my favorite past times, unlike cooking.

My homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies will go on sale Friday, August 3rd! For those willing to support our cause please feel free to contact me on Facebook or via Email. I'll be willing to met anyone locally to drop off cookies. Our goal for this kick off to fundraising is $100.00. Thanks in advance!


2 Cookies for $1.00
One Dozen for $5.00

Lauren's Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Artificial Testicle: Say What?

I ran across this article while trying to work on our blog some tonight. Its crazy to think how far science has come in such a relatively short period of time. I mean the world's first "test tube" baby was born in 1978 and IVF only became mainstream in the 1990's. I can only begin to imagine what they will be doing in another 10 years or so in regards to infertility. Hope you all check out the article below as we can relate being that we suffer from Male Factor Infertility as well.


Saturday, July 28, 2012

Update on 3rd IUI attempt

Well, sadly things didn't go as planned for our 3rd attempt at IUI. I ended up responding poorly on the all injection cycle with only 5 mature follicles. Dr. H was expecting 8-9 good follicles, but we still ended up with quite enough to try the IUI. I took Wednesday June 13th through Friday June 15th off work for a much needed break.

The IUI was scheduled on Wednesday June 13th and went as planned. At approx 7:30am the morning of Mike "produced his sample" at home and then we drove to the clinic. Its funny watching Mike tuck our precious cargo into his undershirt (keeping it nice and toasty) while I lovingly caress the bulge in his shirt trying to give his swimmers a peep talk on our way to the clinic. "Now boys you have a BIG job to do....but I know your up for it! You've been practicing for quite a while its all up to you...when you get in there just swim, swim, swim!" All the while, Mike is starring at me in a way that makes me laugh. We arrive at the clinic around 8am, drop off the sample and are advised to go get some breakfast and return around 9am.

We visit what has become our usual breakfast spot, McDonald's, mainly because its of its convenience in location. Mike gets a sausage biscuit to go with his biscuit and gravy I on the other hand get only water as usual...."Breakfast? How could I even begin to think about eating as nervous/anxious as I am." So I sit and watch Mike eat...both of us almost silent as we sit there starring at one another....both just anxious, a million thoughts running through our heads, wondering if this will be the day it works, the day we conceive.

We returned to the clinic at 9am and sat in the waiting room until around 9:45am when we were called back. I made a pit stop by the loo on the way to empty my bladder and met back up with Mike in the IUI/IVF exam room just a few mins later. The room is dark because it is attached to the room where embryo's are it provides a very romantic atmosphere...haha! I undress from the waste down and then hop on to the table and place my feet in stirrups. Dr H comes in and begins.....she tells us that Mike's after wash count was 2.5 million up from 2 million last time, but still very low. She adds that our odds of this IUI working are about 5-10% and that we will probably need to re-group and discuss IVF w/ICSI again if this one doesn't work.

Fast forward one week, its June 20th and I've been on progesterone vaginal suppositories for a week. Not as bad as I expected, but not exactly fun either. I am re-visiting the clinic to have my progesterone checked. Just a short visit to have blood drawn and then back to work. I received a call later that afternoon from Dr H advising me my levels were 19.  Dr. H tells me anything over 15 is good.

Fast forward 4 long days and AF arrives and the dreaded BFN! And it seems as if the suppositories have only lengthened my  luteal phase by one day from a 10 day to 11 day luteal phase. Our 3rd attempt at IUI has failed. I called the clinic to let them know CD1 began and I set up an appointment on Monday July 9th to re-group and discuss IVF and any other options we might have at this point. We'd discussed IVF over 1 1/2 years ago, but just needed to refresh since so much has happened between then and now.

I have to go for now, but I'll post more on how our appt on July 9th went and where we're at in the baby making process now.